The 27-irrigation scheme + 2 backup subprojects location is presented in Figure 1.

The 27-irrigation scheme + 2 backup subprojects location is presented in Figure 1.

The 27-irrigation schemes/subprojects and additional reserve 2 backup subprojects with MoWRAM are defined as three batches as presented of CFAVC Sector Project Area located in Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum, Kampot and Takeo provinces.  

The first batch included 9 subprojects: 2 in Kampong Cham (Pram Kompeak and O’Kamproc), 2 in Kampot (Trapieng Run and Prey Takoch), 2 in Takeo (Prey Kdouch and Krang Ampil) and 3 in Tbong Khmum (Kbal Tek, Toul Pring and Trapeang Tros).

The second batch includes 10 irrigation subprojects has been selected according to budget allocated (AWPB 2022). The 10 schemes are: 2 in Kampong Cham (Teuk Char West and Pou Tatress), 3 in Kampot (Kandoal Pravoek Pong and Trapeang Boeng), 2 in Tboung Khmum (Tboung Damrei and Kampong Raing) and 3 in Takeo (Chrouk 1 + Phlov Touk, Prey Romdeng and Kvaeng Tayee).

The third batch (in draft) is remaining 8 subprojects: 1 in Kampong Cham (Teuk Char Eest), 2 in Tboung Khmum (Trapeang Ampil and Choam Taheung) and 5 in Takeo (Pralay 95, Pralay 42, Ta Oum, Sdok Sab and Pou Tasuy). Note that the O’Romdoul Reservoir Scheme has canceled (this subproject is significant impact on resettlement) and replace Ta Oum Reservoir Scheme.

The backup 2 subprojects Broteak Krola Reservoir Scheme in Kompot province and Ta Oum Reservoir Scheme in Takeo province.