CFAVC’s Midterm Review Mission conducted Field visit in Tboung Khmum Province on 01 Oct 2023

CFAVC’s Midterm Review Mission conducted Field visit in Tboung Khmum Province on 01 Oct 2023

I.          Visit Thmar Pech Commune, Tboung Khmum District, Tboung Khmum Province

­    MAFF subproject:

o  Visit one rice seed demonstration production, the Champeisar70 seed variety.

­    MOWRAM subprojects

o   Subproject ID: CFAVC-MOWRAM-TBM-CW13.1Rehabilitation Irrigation scheme; Subproject name: Trapeang Tros Reservoir Scheme (by Soeun Soknan contractor), physical construction progress at 98%, contract completed date: 15 September 2023.

o  Ponds construction.

o  FWUC formation.

o  Laser Land Leveling (MAFF)

o  Ms. Indah Social safeguard ADB proposed: DRP (Cat B) implementation docs (Completed /ongoing) for the Trapeang Tros subproject.

II.      Visit Dambae Commune, Dambae District, Tboung Khmum Province

­    MAFF subproject: AC (batch I)

o  Lot3: CW3a/CFAVC/MAFF/2021/06 Construction of 5 ACs (in Tboung Khmum province); AC name: DamBae Rungroeung Agricultural Cooperative completed (by Hout Chhoeun contractor completed date: 27 Sept 2022).

o  Meet with the AC member and management team on the roles of women in AC management and leadership (Gender).

­    MRD subprojects (Batch I)

o  Road ID: CW17c-CFAVC-MRD-TBK-5-2020 (Lot 1) Rural Road improvement (DBST); Road name: from RN73-Khcheay to Wat Thmey; Road length 9.77 km (by Heng Sambath Co., Ltd Import Export Transportation and Construction Contractor), physical construction progress at 81%.

III.     Visit Seda Commune, Dambae District, Tboung Khmum Province

o  Drip irrigation for Mango farm (Toul Bros village, identified farmers for potential drip irrigation)