CFAVC's Midterm Review Mission conducted Field visit in Takeo Province on 29 Sep 2023

29 Sep 2023: Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC), Midterm Review Mission conducted Field visit in Takeo Province

I.          Visit Commune: Udom Sorya, Tramkak District, Takeo Province

­     MAFF subproject: AC (batch III)

o   Lot 2: CW-3b3/CFAVC/MAFF/2022-02 Construction of 12 ACs (in Takeo province), AC name: Udom Soriya Agricultural Cooperative physical construction progress at 58% (by KBH contractor).

o   Visit 3 Biodigesters and compost huts (for Research & Development).

o   Visit 3 demonstrations on the effective use of liquid bio-slurry and bio-slurry compost (for Research & Development).

o   Visit one rice seed demonstration production, the Phkar Romdul (PRD) seed variety.

o   Meet with the AC member and management team on the roles of women in AC management and leadership (Gender).

II.        Visit Commune: Lumpong, Bati District, Takeo Province

­     MAFF subproject: AC (batch II)

o   Lot 2: CW3-b2/CFAVC/MAA/2022-02 Construction of 13 ACs (in Takeo province), AC name: Lumpong Kasikam Samaky Agricultural Cooperative completed (by KBH contractor completed date: 2 April 2023).

o   Ms. Indah Social Safeguard ADB proposed: DDR (Cat C) implementation docs (Completed /ongoing) for Mechanization Engineering Workshop (MEW) and Provincial Agriculture Development Centre (PADC) subprojects.

o   Meet with the AC member and management team on the roles of women in AC management and leadership (Gender).

­     MRD subprojects (Batch I)

o   Road ID: CW17b-CFAVC-MRD-TK3-2020 Rural Road improvement (DBST) Road name: from Phlov Lek 122 (Khlong Tvea Wat Totea) to Phlov Tonle Bati, Length: 10 km (by Henan contractor) physical construction progress at 94% (Contract completion date 21 June 2023).

o   Ms. Indah Social safeguard ADB proposed: DRP (Cat B) implementation docs (Completed /ongoing)