On 30 September 2021, Visit Baitang Koksrok AC to monitor the AC's storage construction located in Kok Srok village, Kok Srok commune, Dambae district, Tbong Khmum Province

On 30 September 2021, Visiting was made to Baitang Koksrok AC, located in Kok Srok village, Kok Srok commune, Dambae district, Tbong Khmum Province. This AC is planned for project support in 2021 and its construction work will be carried over to 2022. The aim of the visit is to clarify the AC land holding certificate and verifying the actual land holding location. The current AC land holding status is the AC land transaction agreement between the AC with the former land owner. The AC plans to do registration of their land plot with the district land cadaster when the registration program enters into the area.