Stuatus of Biodigester plants and Compost huts origentation by PPIU in Takeo Province
On November 17th 2020, the
Provincial Project Implementation Unit (PPIU) CFAVC in Takeo Province,
conducted the orientation and announcement of selling the biodigester plants
and compost huts with AC’s members as the following:
1. In Plouvlok
Village, Trapeang Kranh Commune, Tram Kak District, with a total of 20
participants/9 females. As a result, found 4 households/3 women interested in
buying biodigester plants and composting huts.
2. In Popahsang Village, Taphem Commune, Tram Kak District, with a total of 13 participants/8 females. As a result, 2 households interested in buying biodigester plants and 3 households interested in buying compost huts.
Noted that up to 6th November
2020, the PPIU in Takeo Province has identified 76 buyers/households of
biodigester plants and composting huts.