Planning FY20 Vs. Sharing tasks & Responsibilities for implementation of GAP, CSA and SRP lead/manage by GDA team and coordinate by CS2 team as well as implement by PPIU in four Provinces
1st July 2020 IA (GDA) Team,
CS2 Team and 3 people from each PPIU in four target provinces are invited to
participate a meeting to discuss tasks and responsibilities regarding Good
Agriculture Practice (GAP), Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) & Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP). This meeting lead by Dr. Mak Soeurn and facilitate
by DTL CS2 and for the main subject discussed are as following:
(1) Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) that
focus on only rice crop (Aromatic rice) required to work with specialized
department from rice crop department under GDA,
(2) CAMGAP that focus on mango crop (KeoRormeat), required to work
with specialized department from Plant Protection Department under GDA
(3) Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) that
focus on agricultural techniques on Cassava and Red maize crop, required to
work with specialized departments from Rice Crop Department and Industrial crop
Department under GDA,
(4) Farmer Field School or Farmer
Demonstration School that focus on SRP and CSA as will be led by GDA and also
implemented by PPIU/PDAFF (CARDI should be involved to the event of Farmer
Field School),
(5) Sub programs proposed by ACs (12 Paddy
Warehouses, 5 Rice seed Warehouses and 3 Cassava Warehouses) for year 2020,
(6) The AC's Capacity Building that focus
only Business Plan Skill and Bookkeeping Skill for year I (2020) as be required
to work with specialized department from Department of Agriculture Cooperative
Promotion under GDA for year 2020,
(7) Overall budget plan for sub program
implementation as the part of CS2 package under the CFAVC project in Year 2020 be
accountable by National Level (GDA) and sub national level (PPIUs/PDAFF).